What to do when phone falls inside water

How to prevent a Phone from water damage

Just recently, smartphone producers have been producing water resistant phones to minimize phone damages due to water, users who have such phones go to the extent of going deep into water bodies such as swimming pools beaches and so on to take selfie and videos of themselves.

 However, not all smartphones are equipped with such feature so if you do not possess water resistant phone, then this article is definitely for you. when your phone drops inside water it dos not mean your phone is completely damaged, but in order to prevent your phone from further casualties you need to follow the below steps.

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Things to do When You Drop Your phone inside Water

Yes, mistakes do occur and there are circumstances when phones accidentally falls in water, and if you fall a victim believe me nothing is damaged yet and there is no need to panic. To save your device from untimely death you need to act as quick as possible all you need is just to follow few steps and your device will be back to normal.

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1. Remove your smartphone from water immediately

The more your device stays in the water and take gulps, the more critical the case becomes therefore, getting it out of the water shows a high chance of its survival. However, if your phone falls from a waterfall, a large and deep water body or even into a well, you don`t need to be told to forget it and purchase a new on as you will not be risking your own life for a phone that probably cost only a few bucks. So be wise, you should only save your phone from damage of water if only you have zero percent of risk on your own life.

2. Switch off the phone immediately

Congrats! If you get it out of water on time, and as I said earlier you need to be as fast as possible. The next thing is to switch off your device, the mistake to avoid it to start operating your phone as it can completely damage your phone. Therefore, do a quick check if the phone is still on and switch it off and if your device is switched off upon contact with the water then your can go to the next step below.

3. Remove all removable component 

After switching off your device, remove the, battery (only if it is removable) SD card, sim card and phone pouch or jacket. Don’t go further to loosening the phone to expose the panel (board) or the in-built battery unless you are a technician.

4. Dry it off

Now that your phone is off  and removable components are removed, the next thing is to dry it off. However, before we go to how to dry it off there are some rules here as they will only complicate the situation if violated.

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Rules you are not to violate include;

• Do not heat
Don’t use the oven to heat the phone unless you want to eat your phone as a cake. Any other source of heat except sunlight will only complicate issue.

• Never try blow to dry
Don’t use the blow drier as it also produces some heat which can also damage some internal component in your phone

• Never put in freezer
We are trying to get water out of the phone and not to turn it to solid ice, icing the water will not remove the water and will not dry it out

To dry your phone here are what you need to do;

• Rice
Don’t be deceived, your phone might appear to be dry from the outside but its not dried a bit on the inside, so to remove those water in the inside you need to get raw uncooked rick into a bucket, then bury your phone inside it. This might sound insane but it is the best option you have as it has been proven to be effective. Rice have the ability to absorb water completely from the device without leaving a drop behind.

• Silica
Most of us don’t know the use of the small bag filled with little granule substance that are added to shoe boxes. However, they can do a great deal of help to your wet phone, just get a moderate quantity and bury your phone in it. Silica is a desiccant that sucks up water moisture, so it’s perfect for drying a wet smartphone.

For maximum result, you will have to leave your phone in the two mentioned above i.e Rice and Silica for about 3 days.

• Dry with sunlight (For technicians only)
To dry with sunlight, you will have to loose the phone to expose the panel which you will have to spread in the sun for absorption by sunlight however, you should only try this if only you are a technician as you can damage your device beyond repair if you are not a technician.

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5. Switch ON your device

 If you tried any of the drying techniques above, your device should now be rid of all water molecules. Power on your phone, it should now work fine. Charge it and if does not work then it means your device have developed some other error which may have occurred due to corroded internal components of your device. Then it means you will have to get replacement. However, you should know that the methods explained in this article works and your phone should power on, only if you were fast enough as explained earlier.

6. Service the board (for technicians only)

If your phone refuses to power on, then this is the last resort, you should loose the phone to expose the panel, get a soft brush (soft tooth brush recommended) and wet it with isopropyl alcohol or spirit as some will understand it, then gently scrub the board this is to remove dirts, salt or any other particle that may have led to the corroding or dormant situation. And you should be careful of the alcohol not to touch sensitive parts as the alcohol could dissolve the glue in your phone, causing irreparable damage.
You should now sun dry your phone for some minutes and then power up again. I should now work fine.

7. Purchase a new one

You are definitely out of luck if your phone does not start upon trying the above techniques so the next thing to do is to purchase a new one, you can actually trade it to technicians or company that recycle damaged phones.
However, if you know you are the careless type, I will advice you buy water resistant phones and you will be OK.

I hope this article is useful to you, if yes share your experience in the comment box below and if you have any question or feedback we are always here to respond.
#Never give up…….Giving up is meant for cowards

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