MTN tariff plans and Migration code 2025

Best and cheapest Tariff plan review for MTN users

Today, MTN is one of the best Network providers and they are known for their consistency and durability. They have been predominant in most African countries and their service is also preferred by many.
However, there are different tariff plans available for users to choose from depending on what the user intends to do with his or her sim card, as you have known some users make more call while some users make less call but make use of data in a large tariff plan

Therefore, MTN has released different tariff plan for users to choose from based on their preference and the use. So today we will be discussing the various available tariff plans for the year 2025 and in conclusion, we will highlight the tariff plan which is best for each use as well as the cheapest tariff plan.


List of all MTN tariff plan and migration code


Tariff Plan Migration Code
MTN pulse *406*1#
MTN Beta Talk *123*2*1#
MTN Xtra Special *408#
MTN mPulse *344*1#
MTN Xtra Value *131*2#

The above is the current tariff plan for the year 2025. You may also view and activate directly on your mobile phone by dialling *123#, then press 2, you will see the list as you may now choose from the list depending on your preference.

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However, you may be wondering that some Tariff plans you once know are no longer on the list this is because MTN have stopped or discontinued the tariff plans. Some of the tariff plans that are no longer in existence include;

  • MTN Supersaver Plus
  • MTN Zone
  • MTN Smooth Talk plus
  • MTN Supersaver N/A
  • MTN Smooth Talk Zero
  • MTN Smooth Talk
  • MTN Talk Talk
  • MTN Trutalk
  • MTN Trutalk Plus

So you should note that the above tariff plan are no longer migrate-able
So let’s do a review of the current tariff plans


1. MTN Pulse Tariff plan

Although MTN Pulse and mPulse are similar but there are little differences as they are both known for awesome data bonus and subscription, however there are still some differences which are highlighted below;

• 11.26k/sec call rate for national calls applicable for all network only after using NGN15.36K per day

• Music streaming on Music+ at N10 per day

• Special Instagram Bundles which is in two part which are;

  • InstaBinge Lite 250MB for N100
  • InstaBinge Heavy 1GB for N200

• Other benefits are exclusive to both Pulse and mPulse


2. MTN mPulse Tariff Plan

This is one of the best tariff plan which MTN offers to their costumers as it was designed mainly for educational purpose which fits the lifestyle of internet surfers and internet users as it has browsing data benefits.

With N100 you will be able to make calls with any Nigerian network for 14 minutes since mPulse call rate is at 11k/seconds however, you will be charged at 22kobo per second only for the first call you make daily for 50sec.

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Benefits you are likely to get from MTN Pulse includes;

• You will get 10MB bonus on every recharge of N100, you also get 20MB on N200 recharge and so on

• Night plan (Happy hour 12am – 4am) N25 for 500MB which is exclusive to only Pulse subscribers.

• You will receive N200 airtime bonus on your birthday

• You will get 25MB whatsapp data bonus every first recharge you make monthly

• You get amazing data offer you are likely not to get on other tariff plan, so hurry and check to subscribe to amazing data offer that comes with the tariff plan by dialing *131#.


3. MTN Beta Talk Tariff Plan

This is no doubt one of the amazing tariff MTN have in their store, it is also one of the oldest and as the name sounds, you should know it is good for calls.
With this, you will get both airtime and data bonus on your recharge.

Benefits you will enjoy on MTN Beta talk include;

• You get 250% bonus reward on each N100 or more recharge you make, and the bonus is valid for a period of 7 days

• On recharge below N100, you will get 150% airtime bonus also valid for a period of 7 days.

• Call rate is at 40k/seconds from main account and 45k/seconds on the bonus which is great when you combine the main airtime recharge and the bonus, you will get more talk time

• You will get 10MB on the first recharge you make monthly

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Migrating is pretty simple, just dial *123*2*1# and you will be migrated to Beta talk or send BT to 131 as message.


4. MTN XtraSpecial Tariff Plan

As the name suggests it is really special as you can call at rhe rate of 15k/seconds. This plan is very good when it comes ot making all on the local and international level.

You will be permitted to make calls to 18 country which includes Canada, China, Germany, Sweden, South Korea, Israel, Hong Kong, Romania, Denmark, Cyprus, India, Ireland, Malaysia, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, Malta, Luxembourg.

To migrate to XtraSpecial, dial *408# and start making use of the cool benefits today.


5. MTN XtraValue Tariff Plan

XtraValue is also a mouth watering plan as its offer to users are in two categories;

XtraTalk – You get higher airtime than data.
XtraData – You get higher data than airtime.

For XtraTalk you get reasonable call time than data while for XtraData you get more of data to call time. Once you subscribe to XtraTalk get both airtime and data and for XtraData you also get both although the volume differs. You may also like to see Internet and Free data codes for MTN, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile.
There are 16 XtraValue subscription which is composed of 8 for each of XtraTalk and XtraData. Full detail of the recharge and subscription rate are highlight below;
mtn xtra talkmtn xtra data

mtn xtra data

To migrate to XtraValue, *131*2# is the code you need.

From the above reviews, you should now be able to decide on the tariff plan that you preferred the most and the one that is best or which will work for you.
Do you have comment or feedback? Use the comment box to share them.

Thanks for reading.
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